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Life moves fast.
Everywhere you look, there are more and more opportunities to leave your body and get lost in your own head.
When you’re lost in the pace of go, go, go; your creativity, your relationships and your productivity all suffer.
You crave spaciousness in life. The ability to slow down and be present.
But even when you find extra time you tend to fill it with more work, more chores, and more doing.
You try to relax, but you can’t stop your mind from racing, and your body just can’t seem to let go.
My friend, I’ve been there.
I’ve been studying mindfulness & meditation for over 20 years. It is the anchor I use to stay grounded in life’s most turbulent moments. It has enabled me to break free from crippling anxiety and negative self-talk, and has helped me find a well of self-forgiveness that never runs dry.
In short, though I resist it daily, the results have been nothing short of miraculous.
As a cis-gendered female bodied person however, I’ve often felt out of place in the practice of meditation. “Where do my round curves fit into all these straight lines?” I would wonder. “Can I be wildly passionate and still be mindful? I cherish my desires, why would I want to transcend them? Man these cushions could use a makeover!”
Most meditation practices come from a lineage that was designed for men, by men. And not just any men, monks! So, unless you live in a male body (ever tried sitting up straight for 2 hours with G-cup sized breasts?) and are living a life of poverty, chastity and obedience; you may feel like a meditation practice is unattainable, or just not for you.
This album is designed to help bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and the modern, feminine experience. It is dedicated to those who have been separated from their bodies due to trauma, religion, or cultural conditioning.
You’ll learn how to find tranquility not just on the cushion, but in simple pleasures like a bite of chocolate or a spritz of perfume.
It will help you break free from the sometimes tyrannical reign of your own thoughts, and guide your awareness gently, peacefully back into the present moment through the sensations of your own body.
This album will leave you feeling focused in your mind, present in your body, and at home in your own skin, one breath at a time.
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“I’ve been cycling through this album for months, and am captivated with every session. Mary’s meditations are like an artisanal chocolaterie: so simple, yet so luxe. They ignite my imagination, while also grounding me in my body. Vivid and sensual, with the perfect amount of pause to fill with stillness and personal experience.”
“These meditations are a siren song to go back into my body, like a warm comforting hug to the nervous system. No matter how challenging my day has been, my body becomes soft, my heartbeat slows, and my brain finds clarity.”
Sonia Figueroa Rosario

This soothing 7-minute meditation will help you drop out of your head and into your heart. It is perfect if you feel tension in your chest, or on days when your heart is feeling particularly tender.
Ever felt ambivalent about the question “What do you want?” In this 15-minute meditation you’ll learn how to identify the three desire centers in the body, connect with them powerfully, and vision the deepest desires of your heart into being.
Feeling like your creative juices have run dry? Through powerful, vivid visualizations this meditation will reinvigorate your creativity, inspire new, inventive ideas by invoking your inner muse.
Fragrance is one of the oldest and most efficient ways to change your mood. In this 7-minute meditation you’ll take this simple act of applying fragrance and turn it into a ritual of reverence.
Have trouble turning off your mind at night? This meditation is for you. Using simple relaxation techniques throughout the whole body, this meditation will quiet your thoughts and prepare your system for a restful, rejuvenating night’s sleep.
For the true sensualist, this meditation uses the healing power of pleasure to take you on a meditative journey of self- seduction. (You can substitute chocolate with your own favorite treat.)
If you tend to get sleepy and distracted mid-day, this meditation is like hitting the reset button. Through simple yet powerful breath work techniques, this 8-minute meditation will send you back into the day awake, energized and refreshed.
Ever feel like your energy has been zapped right out of your body? This 20-minute energetic adjustment will help ground, seal and protect your energy. Especially powerful for empaths.
When I meditate with Mary, I always feel a shift for the better. I feel completely present in my body due to the loving guidance of Mary’s voice, prompts, and visuals.
Miranda Wildman