3 Tips to Make Flowers Last Longer
One day while strolling through the Union Square Farmers Market in New York, I came upon a booth with the most gorgeous flowers wrapped in brown paper. You could tell that the man selling them took his work very seriously.
I stopped to talk with him about the different varieties for sale, and he spoke about each bouquet like they were his children. He was absolutely, A Beauty Keeper.
Whenever I encounter A Beauty Keeper, I feel like a fly who is happily drowning in a pot of honey. People whose work is to bring beauty into the world are magical, sacred creatures to me. I can't get enough of them!
After all, beauty is what we turn to in times of grief and joy. Beauty is how we mark the celebration of a milestone. In even the most desperate times, beauty helps us remember who we really are.
When I purchased a dozen, swollen pink roses from this man, he bestowed upon me three masterful tips to release his pride and joy into my care. With spring right around the corner, it is my pleasure and delight to deliver them to you today!
1. Prepare a vase with HOT tap water to place the flowers into.
The water should be hot as in "yowza" when you touch it, but not so hot you can't touch it at all. The heat increases the amount of water the stems can drink in, causing them to last longer, and also slowly seducing the bloom into being. (note: this is true for most flowers, but if you have a particularly delicate flower such as an anemone, use lukewarm water instead.
2. Add a penny to the vase.
The copper in the penny adds acidity, keeping the water and the flowers fresher for longer.
3. Cut stems at a 45 degree angle under running water with a knife, not a scissor.
Any time the cut stem comes into contact with air, it increases the speed at which the flower will decompose. For that reason, cut the stems using a knife at a 45 degree angle, removing about one to two inches of the stem. Once cut, immediately place the stem into the vase of hot water.
After care: change the water and snip the stems every 1-3 days.
Not only will this keep the water fresh, I find that this keeps my bond with the flowers fresh too! It's an act of love and appreciation for the beauty they bring to my life. An act of beauty for a thing of beauty, because after all:
Once the flowers start to die, don't throw them out!
Take the flower petals and sprinkle them in the bath, across your doorstep, or keep them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for your future adorning needs.
May these tips bring as much joy and reverie to your life as they have to mine.
The Beauty Keeper